
We believe everything about our school is awesome,
but don’t take our word for it, here are some comments
from our current parents:
I just wanted to thank you and this may seem strange but I just dropped my nephew off at his "preschool" and my heart hurt to leave him. It's a well know chain daycare with a friendly staff but it was still obviously lacking something very important. The environment was stale, chaotic, dull, and prison like. The staff, though inviting to me, made zero efforts to welcome my nephew to his room made no attempt to console him or get him excited to be there which in my opinion is a huge failure because the importance of a child feeling safe welcome and excited about learning creates a love for learning. The proof is in the pudding if you ask me “A” adores the daily structure challenges and friendships she encounters. My “X” has made such huge strides and everyday looks forward to seeing you and the staff (family) at your school. This I attribute to you and your family and your staff. You opened your home to help raise my children and for that I will always be grateful. Your home and classrooms are warm inviting and make me feel safe to leave my children even if they don't always want to leave me or dad in the morning I know you will have their fears soothed or attention transfer in a positive constructive manor. I could not ask for more as a second home for my children and I just thought you should know the difference between your school and these chain establishments is resounding and for anyone to question this would be ignorant. Thank you again for all you do and everything you have become for my family.
Parent of current 4 year old student “X”
and graduated student “A”
At first, Independence Preschool wasn't an option for us due to the start time. However, after our daughter attended a couple other daycare/preschools in the area, we figured out how to make it work because we weren't happy with our experience at the other facilities. It was the best choice we ever made! She has thrived at Independence Preschool, and we have not had any of the issues we experienced at the others. We love the staff, and it will be difficult to say goodbye when our daughter moves to kindergarten.
Parents of current 4 year old student “J”
We are so happy to be apart of Independence Preschool. Our daughter started in November and excelled the last 4 months. We are so proud how she's adapted and learned letters, numbers, friendships and just being a 4 years old!! We can not thank Miss Tina and the staff enough!! Our daughter has experienced a lot being adopted at 2 and growing and adapting to many
situations!! She loves school and can't wait each week to return!! Thank you sincerely from a gracious family who can't thank you enough!!
Parents of a current 4 year old student “A”